I'm still really struggling with this. I'm not sure what else to
check... Most of my connections are fine, but I've got a few (out of
hundreds) are being stubborn.
I've checked for duplicate footprints, duplicate traces. I've got
magnetic pads on, and the traces seem to align "magnetically" as
expected. I've remade some of these connections completely, to no avail.
DRC agrees that the appropriate pads aren't connected..
Also, when I select various parts of an affected wire it shows as
having the correct name at all segments. It really seems correct?
Is there something stupid I'm doing here? Probably...
Any more advice is greatly appreciated.
*Sent:* Sunday, February 26, 2017 11:46 AM
*Subject:* Re: [kicad-users] Air wires that won't disappear in PCBNew?
As has been said getting the wires to connect is the main part, the
co-ords have to be an exact match for this to happen. magnetic pads
should do the job.
In earlier versions of Kicad there was a weird issue which could end up
with multiple copies of a track or module placed right on top of each
other. This made it almost impossible to select the dud components to get
rid of them, or the correct one to place a wire to. (even when
zooming in as much as possible) These were pretty obvious in the PCB files
as you saw several duplicate lines. Deleting the offending ones solved the
I've not seen that issue with the newer Kicad i.e. using .pretty files,
but is may be worth a peek in the files just in case.
The problem usually occurred whan a module was accidentally placed twice
rather than once.
On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 16:59:39 +0000 (UTC)
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Hi Perdo,Thanks, Yes, I'm using the magnetic pads option. It "feels"
like the tracks connect properly into place and, indeed, the air-wires
usually disappear.
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]The stubborn ones are a bit more of a mystery. I have completely
rewired the connection(s) (several times) to try to get rid of them,
but some are tricky. Once the layout is closer to finished I'll dig
in more with DRC to try to figure it out.
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Doug
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2017 5:48 AM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Air wires that won't disappear in PCBNew?
Sometimes the track doesn't hit the center of the pad though it
seems it
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]does.
I always work with the "Magnetic pads when creating tracks" option on,
under Preferences->General Settings.
Give it a try.
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Thanks for the reply Peter.
That's not the problem. I'm familiar with that possible confusion.
*Sent:* Friday, February 24, 2017 6:13 PM
*Subject:* Re: [kicad-users] Air wires that won't disappear in PCBNew?
One possible problem occurs when you have several connection
points in a
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]those points. However, this will leave the intermediate points
unconnected, as far as DRC is concerned. To make DRC understand that
all the points are connected, you must click on each point as you pass
it, so you make a series of track segments, rather than a single
segment, over the series of connection points.
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Hello,
I believe I'm making good connections, but am finding a bunch of air
wires won't disappear. Usually they disappear in the usual way.
I'm routing with two layers, using in-line vias, but the problem
is also
there be a
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]problem with a footprint or something strange? I edited the footprint
for the parts that I'm finding this problem with, b ut only to remove
some heat-dissipation vias that won't be needed. I didn't touch
the pads
Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]Post by Doug McKnight ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]etc...
Any general air-wire guidelines I should be aware of?
Peter Bennett, VE7CEI Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Vancouver Power Squadron: http://vpsboat.org
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