[kicad-users] Questions about KiCad 5.0
Lev leventelist@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-07-15 08:37:53 UTC
Dear KiCad,

First of all, thanks for releasing KiCad 5.0! This is great!

I have some questions though...

1. 3D library. Is there any way for KiCad not to download 3D packages
from github, rather use a directory on the disk?
2. Schematic symbols. I've opened one of my old (4.07) designs,
and I get this warning messages:

10:33:32 AM: Alias '74273' not found in library:


at line 3 offset 11
10:33:32 AM: Alias '74573' not found in library:


at line 8 offset 11
10:33:32 AM: Alias '74LS138' not found in library:


at line 14 offset 13
10:33:32 AM: Alias '74LS273' not found in library:


at line 19 offset 13

As you can see, these are all my home built symbols. The question
is why the aliases can't be found? Is the file format changed?
If yes, is there any script that converts the old library to be
compatible with 5.0?


Levente Kovacs
Senior Electronic Engineer

W: http://levente.logonex.eu
Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-07-15 18:22:24 UTC
It should be possible,

On the main launcher there is a preferences menu. select the configure
paths and change the 3d path to your own.

You may have to do something similar in the paths setup in PCB new and
also in eeschema (which will also solve your other issue)

I made sure that there were no github paths in PCBnew, and only my own
libs were listed.

This is one of the only bad things about Kicad, It should NEVER use
github or any other online library. All libs should be user
defined and controlled.

So generally you should set up your own libs, check them for
suitability and then point kicad only at those. This ensures that the
library part you are using is the correct one, and that any adjustments
that you have made are maintained (such as those needed for various PCB
production houses)

For online lib, you should download them and put them in a separate
directory, then after carefully checking the particular part you are
interested in, move it into your own libs as needed. Only then can you
be sure that the part is OK.

The other problem is that kicad is in bit of a hard place when beginners
pick up the system, and if the libs wee not there they would moan loudly
about it. So we will have to live with the current system. I admit that
it would be nice to have a better management of this aspect but once you
switch to your own libs it's really not that much of a problem.


On Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:37:53 +0200
Post by Lev ***@gmail.com [kicad-users]
Dear KiCad,
First of all, thanks for releasing KiCad 5.0! This is great!
I have some questions though...
1. 3D library. Is there any way for KiCad not to download 3D packages
from github, rather use a directory on the disk?
2. Schematic symbols. I've opened one of my old (4.07) designs,
at line 3 offset 11
at line 8 offset 11
at line 14 offset 13
at line 19 offset 13
As you can see, these are all my home built symbols. The question
is why the aliases can't be found? Is the file format changed?
If yes, is there any script that converts the old library to be
compatible with 5.0?
Levente Kovacs
Senior Electronic Engineer
W: http://levente.logonex.eu
Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel
Yahoo Groups Links
Lev leventelist@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-07-15 23:36:56 UTC
On Sun, 15 Jul 2018 19:22:24 +0100
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
It should be possible,
On the main launcher there is a preferences menu. select the configure
paths and change the 3d path to your own.
Yes, I know that. I did that, and KiCad didn't find any 3D model only after
it cloned the repo itself.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
You may have to do something similar in the paths setup in PCB new and
also in eeschema (which will also solve your other issue)
Yes it did. There was some bugs in my old library, but I don't really know
how could it work with the 4.0.7. So something is still unclear.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
I made sure that there were no github paths in PCBnew, and only my own
libs were listed.
I think this integrated git client in KiCad is there to help beginners or
other people without any knowledge about version control. But I think this
is a bad design. See further.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
This is one of the only bad things about Kicad, It should NEVER use
github or any other online library. All libs should be user
defined and controlled.
Yes. The problem is that KiCad always checks out the master branch, and
you loose reproducible hardware. So if you install KiCad on an other machine,
tomorrow, and in the overnight someone checks in something, you have two different
library on that two machines. You can't roll back from within KiCad.

Also, the Unix philosophy shall apply. Do tools that does one thing, but it does
it good. I have my own scm client, I don't want another coming from my CAD software.
I do versioning as I want to. Please KiCad, don't force me to use KiCad developer's
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
So generally you should set up your own libs, check them for
suitability and then point kicad only at those. This ensures that the
library part you are using is the correct one, and that any adjustments
that you have made are maintained (such as those needed for various PCB
production houses)
For online lib, you should download them and put them in a separate
directory, then after carefully checking the particular part you are
interested in, move it into your own libs as needed. Only then can you
be sure that the part is OK.
Yes. I'm completely with this process. I think this is doable with symbols and footprints,
but with 3D models, you are forced to use github, which is I think a bad design.

3D models are not really have effect on actual layout, so that's not a show stopper.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
The other problem is that kicad is in bit of a hard place when beginners
pick up the system, and if the libs wee not there they would moan loudly
about it. So we will have to live with the current system. I admit that
it would be nice to have a better management of this aspect but once you
switch to your own libs it's really not that much of a problem.
Thank you Andy for pointing this out. I hope KiCad devs comes up with some solution that is
good for newbies, and also for power users.


Levente Kovacs
Senior Electronic Engineer

W: http://levente.logonex.eu
Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-07-16 10:12:57 UTC
Hi Levente,
Post by Lev ***@gmail.com [kicad-users]
Yes. I'm completely with this process. I think this is doable with symbols and footprints,
but with 3D models, you are forced to use github, which is I think a bad design.
It's been so long since I used 3d models...

I copied the 3d modules into my own directory structure.

Then I changed the preferences > configure paths KISYS3DMOD to point to
my own directory.

All that I needed to do then was ensure that the 3d model in the
footprint preferences was pointing to the 3d modle in my own

Changing KISYS3DMOD makes life a bit easier when you use the add 3d
module option on the fooprint editor.

The modules work fine that was, with no references to git

You can also tweak the settings in
home/youruser/.config/kicad/kicad_common if you prefer. (you will prob
need to restart kicad if you change things that way.

It's also worth keeping a copy of fp-lib-table, just in case that gets
overwriten with a new install. I can'r recall that happening to me, but
if it did it would save a lot of messing about in setting things back up.

After that it does not really matter what kicad does, it will shove it's
libs in usr/share... and leave your directories alone. You may need to
reset a few paths if the install is onto a totall clean computer, but
that's about all.

Lev leventelist@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-07-21 18:14:30 UTC
On Mon, 16 Jul 2018 11:12:57 +0100
Yes, you are right. The wizard was confusing me. Yes, it is possible to point KISYS3DMOD to anywhere in the filesystem.

I did another installation on my laptop, and it works fine.


Levente Kovacs
Senior Electronic Engineer

W: http://levente.logonex.eu

Marek SP7DQR sp7dqr@wp.pl [kicad-users]
2018-07-19 12:32:06 UTC
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<p><font face="Calibri">Hi all,</font></p>
<p><font face="Calibri">I downloaded Kicad v5.0 RC3, but when I want
to run PCBNew I have a Runtime error.</font></p>
<p><font face="Calibri">Next I downloaded v6.0 RC1 and PCBNew is
working OK, but I cannot to edit each pad separately - when I
right click on the pad, I haven't possibility to select object,
that I want to edit.</font></p>
<p><font face="Calibri">It is any new configuration option to change
this or it is a bug?</font></p>
<p><font face="Calibri">Best regards,</font></p>
<p><font face="Calibri">Marek</font><br>
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Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.<BR>
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.<BR>
Please visit <a href="http://www.kicadlib.org">http://www.kicadlib.org</a> for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.<BR>
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel</a>
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<!-- end group email -->
Maciej Sumiński maciej.suminski@cern.ch [kicad-users]
2018-07-19 12:41:06 UTC
Hi Marek,

What is the runtime error you see in 5.0-rc3?

I think the footprint you want to modify is locked. You can either
select it and press 'L' or open the properties dialog and change the
lock settings there.

Post by Marek SP7DQR ***@wp.pl [kicad-users]
Hi all,
I downloaded Kicad v5.0 RC3, but when I want to run PCBNew I have a Runtime error.
Next I downloaded v6.0 RC1 and PCBNew is working OK, but I cannot to edit each
pad separately - when I right click on the pad, I haven't possibility to select
object, that I want to edit.
It is any new configuration option to change this or it is a bug?
Best regards,
Logo AVG <http://www.avg.com/internet-security>
Ta wiadomość e-mail została sprawdzona pod kątem wirusów przez oprogramowanie
antywirusowe AVG.
www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com/internet-security>
Sanjeev Gupta sanjeev.gupta212@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
2018-07-20 15:20:28 UTC
I analyzed Kicad gerber file using CAM tool.  I could not understand, why a circle needs to be broken into segments and traces needs to overlay over the power plane polygon to connect all the circles,  Gerber standard allows user of circular shapes. 
On Thursday, July 19, 2018, 6:13:22 PM GMT+5:30, Maciej Sumiński ***@cern.ch [kicad-users] <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Hi Marek,

What is the runtime error you see in 5.0-rc3?

I think the footprint you want to modify is locked. You can either
select it and press 'L' or open the properties dialog and change the
lock settings there.

Post by Marek SP7DQR ***@wp.pl [kicad-users]
Hi all,
I downloaded Kicad v5.0 RC3, but when I want to run PCBNew I have a Runtime error.
Next I downloaded v6.0 RC1 and PCBNew is working OK, but I cannot to edit each
pad separately - when I right click on the pad, I haven't possibility to select
object, that I want to edit.
It is any new configuration option to change this or it is a bug?
Best regards,
Logo AVG <http://www.avg.com/internet-security>    
Ta wiadomość e-mail została sprawdzona pod kątem wirusów przez oprogramowanie
antywirusowe AVG.
www.avg.com <http://www.avg.com/internet-security>
Marek SP7DQR sp7dqr@wp.pl [kicad-users]
2018-07-21 12:29:26 UTC
Marek SP7DQR sp7dqr@wp.pl [kicad-users]
2018-07-21 13:59:25 UTC