[kicad-users] Why is there no acticity in this group anymore?
bpc2296@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-01-22 23:25:41 UTC
Where's everybody gone?

whozaguy@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-22 23:45:42 UTC
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help? Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
Donald H Locker dhlocker@comcast.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:04:13 UTC
Work seems to be my occupation these days.

*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml>
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
Rob Donker rob_donker@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:30:13 UTC
Odd, I just fired up Kicad to update a project when this popped up. Where IS everyone?

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, January 22, 2018, 4:04 PM, Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users] <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Work seems to be my occupation these days.

*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml>
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
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Nicholas Keller maq163x2@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:26:12 UTC
I'm not a power user by any means, but I've used Kicad again recently to produce some boards for a custom expansion for my MIDIbox SEQv4 build....

One problem I keep having is that I can't always access my own libraries of components and parts. I add the library using the wizard, but when I click on the folder in the browser, it's "empty" . I reload Kicad and the project but it's still not giving me my parts. My work around is to start from a layout that contains those parts and design a new board with no associated schematic and no proper netlist. I just reassign the pads to available netlist names, but then have no correct rats nest to verify that all necessary connections are made. This is a pain but ok since it's just for personal use...but it makes it impractical to share the file for others to see or build from.

Not sure what build I have, it's from a few years ago, and I'm not at home now, so won't be able to reply with any details until tomorrow maybe.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
'Brian Piccioni' brian@documenteddesigns.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:59:30 UTC
You have to locate your libraries in a user directory (such as /documents).

From: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:kicad-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: January 22, 2018 7:26 PM
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Re: Why is there no acticity in this group anymore?

I'm not a power user by any means, but I've used Kicad again recently to produce some boards for a custom expansion for my MIDIbox SEQv4 build....

One problem I keep having is that I can't always access my own libraries of components and parts. I add the library using the wizard, but when I click on the folder in the browser, it's "empty" . I reload Kicad and the project but it's still not giving me my parts. My work around is to start from a layout that contains those parts and design a new board with no associated schematic and no proper netlist. I just reassign the pads to available netlist names, but then have no correct rats nest to verify that all necessary connections are made. This is a pain but ok since it's just for personal use...but it makes it impractical to share the file for others to see or build from.

Not sure what build I have, it's from a few years ago, and I'm not at home now, so won't be able to reply with any details until tomorrow maybe.

On Jan 22, 2018, at 6:45 PM, ***@yahoo.com <mailto:***@yahoo.com> [kicad-users] <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com <mailto:kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> > wrote:

I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help?

Or nobody is doing any design work?

I can't believe there is a better board design app.
Richard Pope mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:36:20 UTC
Hello all,
I am here and still following along. I kind of gave up on asking
questions because the replies were not all that helpful. Sorry for that
but it is how I felt. I would receive multiple replies at times but they
would all be different. Not good. Just an observation. I too have
questions about libraries, footprints, and making components.
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no
longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
John Baker johnbaker@ieee.org [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:55:15 UTC
Too bad Rich. I've always gotten very useful/helpful answers on the
Kicad forum. There really are terrific experts following the forum and
answering questions. Try asking your questions again. You may get
multiple answers but hopefully at least one of the answers will be helpful.
Best Wishes and Good Luck,
Post by Richard Pope ***@charter.net [kicad-users]
Hello all,
    I am here and still following along. I kind of gave up on asking
questions because the replies were not all that helpful. Sorry for
that but it is how I felt. I would receive multiple replies at times
but they would all be different.  Not good. Just an observation. I too
have questions about libraries, footprints, and making components.
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no
longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
Virus-free. www.avast.com
Pedro Martin pkicad@yahoo.es [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 06:34:27 UTC

I'm also here.
And I'm also a regular user at https://forum.kicad.info/ where there is
a lot of activity.

Post by Richard Pope ***@charter.net [kicad-users]
Hello all,
I am here and still following along. I kind of gave up on asking
questions because the replies were not all that helpful. Sorry for that
but it is how I felt. I would receive multiple replies at times but they
would all be different. Not good. Just an observation. I too have
questions about libraries, footprints, and making components.
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too. Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no
longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
Virus-free. www.avast.com
Marco Ciampa ciampix@libero.it [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 10:36:04 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
I was wondering too.
Maybe everyone has Kicad all figured out and no longer needs any help?
Or nobody is doing any design work?
I can't believe there is a better board design app.
No it is just that KiCad improved so much that it doen't need any help to
use it anymore... ;-)
Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.


GNU/Linux User #78271
FSFE fellow #364

mail@s-light.eu [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 12:47:58 UTC
i think a part of the traffic has moved to
https://forum.kicad.info/ https://forum.kicad.info/
as for some its easier to use a 'modern-style' forum..

for me personally - there are times iam more focused on hw design and times i do other things.. so it differs how much iam involved with the communities...

sunny greetings stefan
Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 14:47:26 UTC
I'm still here.

Never come across that other forum,

I've just had a quick peek and it looks as if you can set it up to
send and post as e-mail as is done with this forum so at least it does not
seem to be yet another cruddy web browser only system. Might be worth a
monitoring for a while to see how it works.

I don't think people who like modern browser based forums have any idea
how to manage multiple forums. I've got at least 24 different forums
that I monitor, and that's without a private conferencing system I
subscribe to (not free) https://www.cix.uk/forums/overview

I can't imagine having to log into each one of the 24 forums via a browser
every day...

I've noticed that traffic over the festive period has been
fairly light not just in this group. So perhaps just a seasonal thing.

Questions, well yes you do have to be a bit careful in how you state a
query, it's very very easy for readers to get sidetracked and provide
the wrong answer. Done that myself...

There was one question about a connector shield, and how that was
done. we went around the houses for a while giving info on the shield
wire and the screening metal that usually had tab to solder to.

After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)

It's as easy as that to cause confusion.


On 23 Jan 2018 12:47:58 +0000
Post by ***@s-light.eu [kicad-users]
i think a part of the traffic has moved to
https://forum.kicad.info/ https://forum.kicad.info/
as for some its easier to use a 'modern-style' forum..
for me personally - there are times iam more focused on hw design and times i do other things.. so it differs how much iam involved with the communities...
sunny greetings stefan
Dave Instone nospamfordave@aol.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 17:02:19 UTC
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<p>Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry
Pi are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from
the excesses of the external world. <br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 23/01/2018 15:47, Andy Eskelson
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@g0poy.co.uk">***@g0poy.co.uk</a> [kicad-users] wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:***@linux.local"> <span> </span>

<div id="ygrp-text">
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what
some stupid<br>
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board,
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)<br>




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Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.<BR>
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.<BR>
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For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at <a href="http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel">http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel</a>
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John Baker johnbaker@ieee.org [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 17:26:43 UTC
And they're called Capes for Beaglebone Blacks. :-D
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi
are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the
excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
Donald H Locker dhlocker@comcast.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:29:47 UTC
But there is no other electronic element that could be confused with "cape" - shield, on the other hand is dreadfully ambiguous.

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Post by John Baker ***@ieee.org [kicad-users]
And they're called Capes for Beaglebone Blacks. :-D
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)


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whozaguy@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 17:28:04 UTC
And they're called Capes for Beaglebone Blacks. :-D
robert birmingham_spider@gmx.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 17:43:49 UTC
On the Raspberry Pi B+ they're called HATs:


I designed one using Kicad. For many months now it's been delivering
power to a Pi hiding out in my garden, though it came close to
electrolytically dissolving when the supposedly waterproof enclosure it
lives in flooded.


Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are
universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the
external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)


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Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel

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Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:02:48 UTC
Oh nasty.

It's a hard job to make something really waterproof, and that means
glanded seals on everything (gets very expensive)

IP 65 or better enclosures are the common starting points. the two digits
give the degree of protection from dirt / dust and water (I can't
remember which way around they are but the higher the number the better
the protection)

For very small projects, you can get IP rated external electrical junction
boxes which are quite reasonably priced.

If air can get in so can moisture so it's often necessary to provide some
drain holes in such cases to let any condensation out.

A couple of antenna matching boxes on a pair UHF yagis I have caused a bit
of a problem. The antenna started showing a poor match, and when I opened
the box lid, which was essentially a die-cast box. I got a cupfull of
water down my sleeve. A small drain hold solved that problem.

Finally for outside use, a double enclosure really helps. The outer one
will take the brunt of the weather, giving the real enclosure a much
easier time.

Post by robert ***@gmx.net [kicad-users]
I designed one using Kicad. For many months now it's been delivering
power to a Pi hiding out in my garden, though it came close to
electrolytically dissolving when the supposedly waterproof enclosure it
lives in flooded.
w0run.gordon@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:22:18 UTC
As Andy says, adding "weep holes" can drain out moisture. A short length of tubing in the hole can help (aquarium tubing). Direct it away to a spot where it will not suck up water with diurnal temperature changes. Another way for (say yagi match boxes or connectors) is to use "Stuf" : https://www.solidsignal.com/pview.asp?p=sstuf https://www.solidsignal.com/pview.asp?p=sstuf It really works. It displaces any air, so there is nowhere for water to accumulate. It has pretty high breakdown voltage and never hardens. I use it on all my small outdoor boxes/connections.
Robert birmingham_spider@gmx.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 09:36:15 UTC
The IP-rated box concerned does have seals, and is intended for use
outside, in the rain - with mains socket strips (which in the UK means
240 Volts, 13 Amps)! It had the advantage of being cheap and easily
purchasable from a well-known DIY, gardening, and homewares chain.
What happened was that the lid warped, rendering its seal completely
useless. All it needed for disaster was a heavy rain storm.
Thankfully the water reached the wifi dongle first, alerting me to a
problem out in the box before the water reached and killed the rest of
the electronics (but it was a close shave - the Pi had already lost a
connector pin to electrolytic action). Anyhow, the electronics is now
wrapped with plastic sheet, and the box is draped with butyl rubber pond
liner. And the ventilation has been enhanced to deal with full-on
flooding, as opposed to just water vapour.


Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
Oh nasty.
It's a hard job to make something really waterproof, and that means
glanded seals on everything (gets very expensive)
IP 65 or better enclosures are the common starting points. the two digits
give the degree of protection from dirt / dust and water (I can't
remember which way around they are but the higher the number the better
the protection)
For very small projects, you can get IP rated external electrical junction
boxes which are quite reasonably priced.
If air can get in so can moisture so it's often necessary to provide some
drain holes in such cases to let any condensation out.
A couple of antenna matching boxes on a pair UHF yagis I have caused a bit
of a problem. The antenna started showing a poor match, and when I opened
the box lid, which was essentially a die-cast box. I got a cupfull of
water down my sleeve. A small drain hold solved that problem.
Finally for outside use, a double enclosure really helps. The outer one
will take the brunt of the weather, giving the real enclosure a much
easier time.
Post by robert ***@gmx.net [kicad-users]
I designed one using Kicad. For many months now it's been delivering
power to a Pi hiding out in my garden, though it came close to
electrolytically dissolving when the supposedly waterproof enclosure it
lives in flooded.
Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel
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Donald H Locker dhlocker@comcast.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:31:13 UTC
Why would a Pi have a hat? I would have put a top crust on it and called it good!

(Sorry about the water intrusion.)

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Post by robert ***@gmx.net [kicad-users]
I designed one using Kicad. For many months now it's been delivering
power to a Pi hiding out in my garden, though it came close to
electrolytically dissolving when the supposedly waterproof enclosure it
lives in flooded.
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are
universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the
external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)


Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel

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Richard Pope mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 23:43:49 UTC
Are you the person that came up with the idea of the shield?
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi
are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the
excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Dave Instone nospamfordave@aol.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 17:15:57 UTC
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<p>No, just got annoyed that the poster called someone an idiot
without it seems doing any thinking.</p>
<p>I was wrong about the Pi, they're hats on a pi.</p>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 24/01/2018 00:43, Richard Pope
<a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@charter.net">***@charter.net</a> [kicad-users] wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:15e8d015-cf58-bd60-4530-***@charter.net"> <span> </span>

<div id="ygrp-text">
<p> Dave,<br>
    Are you the person that came up with the idea of the
GOD Bless and Thanks,<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 1/23/2018 11:02 AM, Dave
Instone <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@aol.com" moz="true">***@aol.com</a>
[kicad-users] wrote:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:b128aae2-f73f-73f0-bb59-***@aol.com" type="cite"> <span> </span>
<div id="ygrp-text">
<p> </p>
<p>Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also
the Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they
shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the
external world. <br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 23/01/2018 15:47, Andy
Eskelson <a moz="true" class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:***@g0poy.co.uk" moz="true">***@g0poy.co.uk</a>
[kicad-users] wrote:<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid:***@linux.local"> <span> </span>
<div id="ygrp-text">
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was
what some stupid<br>
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor
board, which<br>
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard!
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<!-- end group email -->

Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 01:45:55 UTC
Sorry to disagree, it is an Idiot name which caused confusion and should
not have.

A shield has been a specific part of a connector pretty much forever.
(It's also a term occasionally used for some specific forms of RFI
protection, however that's normally called a screen / screened
enclosure / screening can etc)

It's an industry standard name which whoever tried to be clever with the
Arduino name should have known and not used.

Also they do not "shield" the device from the outside world, they provide
an interface to various peripherals. Do you call an IDE or PCI card a
"shield" - no - , but it performs exactly the same function.

It plugs into the motherboard and provides additional functionality / IO.

A "shield" Plugs int a connector onto the motherboard (the Pi to
arduino) and provides additional functionality / IO

No difference.

Calling them something else such as PiHats capes, or whatever is fine
just don't try calling then the same as something already in use. Or just
call them what they are, a daughterboard.

The problem (from memory) in the case I described what that the original
post made an assumption that everyone knew what a "shield" was and there
was no context to indicate that it was an arduino specific thing. No
issue once the confusion was cleared up of course.

It may have been that the person who posted the query did not know that "shield"
meant something completely different. That's another issue entirely and
highlights what may be a difference between hobby users and professional
users, hence always be very clear when describing a problem.


On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 18:02:19 +0100
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
Richard Pope mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:52:23 UTC
Andy and et al,
I have always referred to them as Daughter Boards. That is just
common sense. Shields protect something and these are not protecting
GOD Bless and Thanks,
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
Sorry to disagree, it is an Idiot name which caused confusion and should
not have.
A shield has been a specific part of a connector pretty much forever.
(It's also a term occasionally used for some specific forms of RFI
protection, however that's normally called a screen / screened
enclosure / screening can etc)
It's an industry standard name which whoever tried to be clever with the
Arduino name should have known and not used.
Also they do not "shield" the device from the outside world, they provide
an interface to various peripherals. Do you call an IDE or PCI card a
"shield" - no - , but it performs exactly the same function.
It plugs into the motherboard and provides additional functionality / IO.
A "shield" Plugs int a connector onto the motherboard (the Pi to
arduino) and provides additional functionality / IO
No difference.
Calling them something else such as PiHats capes, or whatever is fine
just don't try calling then the same as something already in use. Or just
call them what they are, a daughterboard.
The problem (from memory) in the case I described what that the original
post made an assumption that everyone knew what a "shield" was and there
was no context to indicate that it was an arduino specific thing. No
issue once the confusion was cleared up of course.
It may have been that the person who posted the query did not know that "shield"
meant something completely different. That's another issue entirely and
highlights what may be a difference between hobby users and professional
users, hence always be very clear when describing a problem.
On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 18:02:19 +0100
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi
are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the
excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
w0run.gordon@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:58:49 UTC
"Shields down Scotty- there's no intelligent life down there"
Richard Pope mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 03:22:53 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [kicad-users]
"Shields down Scotty- there's no intelligent life down there"
This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Donald H Locker dhlocker@comcast.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 02:28:31 UTC
I would agree with Andy that the OP was less than helpful, perhaps even an idiot, in asking for assistance. Without providing the context that he was talking about an Arduino "shield," the ambiguity was great and most "real" electronics weenies would have fallen onto the side of electromagnetic or electrostatic shield. That use of the word has been around for nearly a century longer than the Arduino use.

*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml>
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)


Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel

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Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 11:38:47 UTC
Just to be clear ;-) The OP was not an idiot, the idiot was whoever
named the daughterboards "shields" in the first place. That was the start
of the confusion.

The OP may not have known any different, whereas the arduino people
should have.


On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 21:28:31 -0500
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
I would agree with Andy that the OP was less than helpful, perhaps even an idiot, in asking for assistance. Without providing the context that he was talking about an Arduino "shield," the ambiguity was great and most "real" electronics weenies would have fallen onto the side of electromagnetic or electrostatic shield. That use of the word has been around for nearly a century longer than the Arduino use.
*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml>
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the excesses of the external world.
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel
Yahoo Groups Links
Tim Schefter timschefter@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 14:08:09 UTC
Perhaps there was an Italian to English interpretation issue involved.
Just to be clear ;-) The OP was not an idiot, the idiot was whoever
named the daughterboards "shields" in the first place. That was the start
of the confusion.
The OP may not have known any different, whereas the arduino people
should have.
On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 21:28:31 -0500
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
I would agree with Andy that the OP was less than helpful, perhaps even
an idiot, in asking for assistance. Without providing the context that he
was talking about an Arduino "shield," the ambiguity was great and most
"real" electronics weenies would have fallen onto the side of
electromagnetic or electrostatic shield. That use of the word has been
around for nearly a century longer than the Arduino use.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml>
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the Raspberry Pi
are universally called shields, they shield the Arduino/pi from the
excesses of the external world.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator
of Kicad.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute
your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the
kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Yahoo Groups Links
Tim Schefter
Work (970) 229-2430
Cell (970) 215-5896
Pedro Martin pkicad@yahoo.es [kicad-users]
2018-01-24 15:02:43 UTC
I speak Italian, and in Italian a shield is a shield, a hat is a hat and
a helmet is a helmet.

And they use daughterboard (in English) or the literal translation of
expansion card.

Post by Tim Schefter ***@gmail.com [kicad-users]
Perhaps there was an Italian to English interpretation issue involved.
Just to be clear ;-) The OP was not an idiot, the idiot was whoever
named the daughterboards "shields" in the first place. That was the start
of the confusion.
The OP may not have known any different, whereas the arduino people
should have.
On Tue, 23 Jan 2018 21:28:31 -0500
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
I would agree with Andy that the OP was less than helpful, perhaps
even an idiot, in asking for assistance. Without providing the
context that he was talking about an Arduino "shield," the ambiguity
was great and most "real" electronics weenies would have fallen onto
the side of electromagnetic or electrostatic shield. That use of the
word has been around for nearly a century longer than the Arduino use.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
*Plain Text* email -- it's an accessibility issue
() no proprietary attachments; no html mail
/\ <http://www.georgedillon.com/web/html_email_is_evil.shtml
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Post by Dave Instone ***@aol.com [kicad-users]
Not an idiot, plug in boards for Arduino's and also the
Raspberry Pi are universally called shields, they shield the
Arduino/pi from the excesses of the external world.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Post by Dave Instone ***@aol.com [kicad-users]
Post by Andy Eskelson ***@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
After a while it turned out that the "shield" was what some stupid
Arduino idiot decided to call a plug in adaptor board, which
everyone else in industry calls a daughterboard! :-)
Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before
posting your question.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the
creator of Kicad.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to
contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
For building Kicad from source and other development questions
visit the kicad-devel group at
Post by Donald H Locker ***@comcast.net [kicad-users]
Yahoo Groups Links
Tim Schefter
Work (970) 229-2430
Cell (970) 215-5896
Julie Porter jporter@delectra.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 01:04:59 UTC
I still monitor this forum.   My expressPCB/Kicad scripts simply seem to
work. Or else they are too complex and obfuscated for anyone to bother
with.  There has not been much expressPCB traffic either.  I had one guy
there hound me till I posted them to github then said he was too busy to
do anything with the info I gave.

There is still quite a bit of KiCad I do not know, but if I need a
board, I have enough tools where I can design it and send it out for
mfg.   Usually however I just convert the design into ExpressPCB and
send it off to their mini board service.  It is all self contained.

Where I do have questions they are more out of scope, such as which
board house is best to use from the West Coast USA.  A lot of the
traffic I see in micro controller chip  and Arduino forums is more based
out of other parts of the globe, such as Australia or Europe.   A lot of
the shipping deals lead times etc, simply do not apply.

-julieP aka "sheepdoll"
Post by ***@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
Where's everybody gone?
Andrew Chin gibson486@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 01:48:00 UTC
Local is gonna cost you. There is twisted circuits. They have this service
where you batch your pcb assembly. I have have never used it though. Other
than that, I just use advanced assembly and just have the place the hard
stuff ( like micros), while I take care of the easy stuff like resistors
and caps. There is also 7pcb, but they are overseas.

On Jan 22, 2018 8:05 PM, "Julie Porter ***@delectra.com [kicad-users]" <
kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

I still monitor this forum. My expressPCB/Kicad scripts simply seem to
work. Or else they are too complex and obfuscated for anyone to bother
with. There has not been much expressPCB traffic either. I had one guy
there hound me till I posted them to github then said he was too busy to
do anything with the info I gave.

There is still quite a bit of KiCad I do not know, but if I need a
board, I have enough tools where I can design it and send it out for
mfg. Usually however I just convert the design into ExpressPCB and
send it off to their mini board service. It is all self contained.

Where I do have questions they are more out of scope, such as which
board house is best to use from the West Coast USA. A lot of the
traffic I see in micro controller chip and Arduino forums is more based
out of other parts of the globe, such as Australia or Europe. A lot of
the shipping deals lead times etc, simply do not apply.

-julieP aka "sheepdoll"
Where's everybody gone?
Jeff Barlow Jeff@WB6CSV.net [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 00:14:23 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
Where's everybody gone?
bill kordys icabodeeb@yahoo.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 06:34:27 UTC
Hi: I am a retired niche electronic manufacturer. In the So. California area I used a shop in Orange, It was owned by Richard Sky.... I used it for years and very good quality and they will work with you in person if you are local. He sold the company a few years ago... it is now It is now: Circuit Access phone 714-639-4368
On Mon, 1/22/18, Julie Porter ***@delectra.com [kicad-users] <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Why is there no acticity in this group anymore?
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, January 22, 2018, 5:04 PM


I still monitor this forum.   My expressPCB/Kicad
scripts simply seem to

work. Or else they are too complex and obfuscated for anyone
to bother

with.  There has not been much expressPCB traffic either. 
I had one guy

there hound me till I posted them to github then said he was
too busy to

do anything with the info I gave.

There is still quite a bit of KiCad I do not know, but if I
need a

board, I have enough tools where I can design it and send it
out for

mfg.   Usually however I just convert the design into
ExpressPCB and

send it off to their mini board service.  It is all self

Where I do have questions they are more out of scope, such
as which

board house is best to use from the West Coast USA.  A lot
of the

traffic I see in micro controller chip  and Arduino forums
is more based

out of other parts of the globe, such as Australia or
Europe.   A lot of

the shipping deals lead times etc, simply do not apply.

-julieP aka "sheepdoll"
Post by ***@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
Where's everybody gone?
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NdK ndk.clanbo@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2018-01-23 17:22:45 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
Where's everybody gone?
I'm still monitoring this list, but taking a break (more or less) after
obtaining the first 3 OSHWA certifications in Italy :)
