If the error says not connected, then you can generally assume that the
message is correct despite what you see.
First, check pin numbering for silly errors, and that you are actually
making a connection. A mismatch in grids and so on can be very confusing.
Next, make sure that you have a junction dot on the schematic where
wires should join. ( this is a very common cause of the problems you are
seeing. Generally the start and end of a wire will connect, but if you
place other wires on the main one, connecting to other components, then
that will not auto connect, you need to place a junction there as well.
This tells the system that the wires must join, rather than just cross
over each other.
In the schematic elements, you can set the type of pin to
be a power out / in or an input / output.
This gives two possible errors.
In the case of a power pin, then you can only have ONE power out on a
net. Any more than this will cause errors. Personally I don't like this
function, and I simply set power outs to be passive. To keep ERC happy,
I just add a power flag to the power net. You usually add a power flag
to the ground net as well., this juts tells ERC that the net is
actually powered up.
Think of this in the case of a unit powered by an off board PSU say a
wall wart. You don't have an actual power supply on the board, so you
need to tell the system the system that the net has some volts going
into it.
In the case of input and outputs (rather than power in /out) it's as
obvious as it seems. an input needs to connect to an output. So check
the pin types on the components you are using.
As always, once you sort out the circuit elements and modules, copy them
into YOUR OWN libraries and always use them rather than the community /
stock libs and modules. That should prevent the problem in future designs.
On 21 Mar 2017 09:44:57 +0000
"***@charter.net [kicad-users]" <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com>
> Hello all,
> . . . . I received a lot of replies to the Footprint problem but I have a bigger problem. When I run the ERC I receive close to a hundred error messages. Most of them are the Green variety, some of them are Red, I haven't seen any Yellow ones. The Green errors are of the type pin such and such connected to pin such and such but there is not any drive. Most of the error messages are pin such and such not connected to pin such and such even though it is. One of my Red messages says that output pin of such and such is connected to the output pin of such and such but there is no such connection. I can't figure this out. Of course these means that any Netlist that I generate won't mean anything. Please help me?
> GOD Bless,
> rich!