[kicad-users] Footprint Help?
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-03-17 00:06:30 UTC
Hello all,
. . . . I am a newbie to KiCAD. I was introduced to KiCAD by the folks at S100computers.com. I am sure that you are aware of this. I have been working on a schematic and I feel that it is finished. Well I believe that the next step is to setup the Footprints. Can I please get some help with my next step.? I can't find where to go next in the Eeschema Manual.
GOD Bless,
Jorge Ferreira jorgef.tech@gferreira.eu [kicad-users]
2017-03-20 09:35:42 UTC

Next step in eeschema is assign footprints to the components in the
schematic (CvPcb 3rd icon from the left of the top toolbar), then export
a netlist file. After that move on to PCBNew, import the netlist
generated by EEschema and start laying down your PCB board.

Best regards

On 17/03/2017 1:06, ***@charter.net [kicad-users] wrote:
> Hello all,
> . . . . I am a newbie to KiCAD. I was introduced to KiCAD by the
> folks at S100computers.com. I am sure that you are aware of this. I
> have been working on a schematic and I feel that it is finished. Well
> I believe that the next step is to setup the Footprints. Can I please
> get some help with my next step.? I can't find where to go next in the
> Eeschema Manual.
> GOD Bless,
> rich!
ng10066504jan@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
2017-03-20 13:57:01 UTC
Dear Jorge,

You may find that the "introductory exercise" at the following site helps you get an overview of the workflow... I hope so? (If so, any mention in places like Facebook, etc, much appreciated. No point in me writing all that stuff, if no one hears it is there!)

http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main
Jorge Ferreira jorgef.tech@gferreira.eu [kicad-users]
2017-03-20 16:20:22 UTC

Sorry I didn't mention that site.
Its not an easy thing to do, suggest something when you don't know of
its existence (maybe because I didn't need it to myself).
I was just answering a question from another subscriber.

Well, that is a good place to look at.

Thank you for your efforts.

Best regards

On 20/03/2017 14:57, ***@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users] wrote:
> Dear Jorge,
> You may find that the "introductory exercise" at the following site
> helps you get an overview of the workflow... I hope so? (If so, any
> mention in places like Facebook, etc, much appreciated. No point in me
> writing all that stuff, if no one hears it is there!)
> http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main
TK Boyd ng10066504jan@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
2017-03-21 08:16:54 UTC
Be sure to assign components FIRST and THEN generate netlist. The order of these steps didn't used to matter, but now does.
(The information gathered in the "assign components" goes to the schematic, and passes from there to the next step (pcb layout) in the netlist. Previously, the components were a separate file, and the "pcb layout" process integrated the two. Or at least that's how I understand it, and working on that premise WORKS! If more expert people can comment on the validity of what I said about mechanism, I will welcome the information. I'm pretty sure that what I said about "what you should do" is correct.) To reply offlist: Get eddress from sheepdogsoftware.co.uk

From: "Jorge Ferreira ***@gferreira.eu [kicad-users]" <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com>
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, 20 March 2017, 9:35
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Footprint Help?

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Next step in eeschema is assign footprints to the components in the schematic (CvPcb 3rd icon from the left of the top toolbar), then export a netlist file. After that move on to PCBNew, import the netlist generated by EEschema and start laying down your PCB board.

Best regards
Niels Moseley n.a.moseley@gmail.com [kicad-users]
2017-03-21 01:21:57 UTC
Hi Rich,

You might also be interested in Contextual Electronics' videos on Kicad. You can find them on youtube!


> On 17 Mar 2017, at 01:06, ***@charter.net [kicad-users] <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> . . . . I am a newbie to KiCAD. I was introduced to KiCAD by the folks at S100computers.com. I am sure that you are aware of this. I have been working on a schematic and I feel that it is finished. Well I believe that the next step is to setup the Footprints. Can I please get some help with my next step.? I can't find where to go next in the Eeschema Manual.
> GOD Bless,
> rich!
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-03-31 00:15:12 UTC
Hello all,
. . . . With a great deal of Brian's time and effort I was able to fix my schematic. It now passes the ERC with no errors or warnings. Yeah! :) I have generated a Netlist for my project. I am using version 4.0.6 and there is no CvPcb program installed in this version. I went to the http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main but it is for an earlier version of KiCAD. Videos and reading on the screen just doesn't cut for me. I learn by holding a manual and reading it.
. . . . I am reading the manual that I have for both Pcbnew and CvPcb but they don't really apply to version 4.0.6. I am thinking about dropping back to an earlier version but I don't know how many problems this will create for me. I know that I need to generate footprints and I do have Pcbnew running with the PCB design program up and running. Is there a .PDF manual for 4.0.6?
GOD Bless,
Pedro Martin pkicad@yahoo.es [kicad-users]
2017-03-31 07:39:06 UTC

In new versions Cvpcb is inside Eeschema. After assigning footprints,
you come back to eeschema to make a new netlist.


El 31/03/17 a las 02:15, ***@charter.net [kicad-users] escribió:
> Hello all,
> . . . . With a great deal of Brian's time and effort I was able to fix
> my schematic. It now passes the ERC with no errors or warnings. Yeah! :)
> I have generated a Netlist for my project. I am using version 4.0.6 and
> there is no CvPcb program installed in this version. I went to the
> http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main but it is for an earlier version
> of KiCAD. Videos and reading on the screen just doesn't cut for me. I
> learn by holding a manual and reading it.
> . . . . I am reading the manual that I have for both Pcbnew and CvPcb
> but they don't really apply to version 4.0.6. I am thinking about
> dropping back to an earlier version but I don't know how many problems
> this will create for me. I know that I need to generate footprints and I
> do have Pcbnew running with the PCB design program up and running. Is
> there a .PDF manual for 4.0.6?
> GOD Bless,
> rich!
TK Boyd ng10066504jan@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
2017-03-31 08:57:49 UTC
RE-> "I went to the http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main but it is for an earlier> version of KiCAD."
... Many, MANY hours have been spent extensively revising that (and the many linked pages) for KiCad 4_0_4. Have all graphics been updated? No. But where a difference is significant, many of them have. As ever, if you stumble over something, send feedback, with the page's URL cited, and I will try to save the next reader whatever you stumbled over.
 To reply offlist: Get eddress from sheepdogsoftware.co.uk

From: "Pedro Martin ***@yahoo.es [kicad-users]" <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com>
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2017 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [kicad-users] Footprint Help?


In new versions Cvpcb is inside Eeschema. After assigning footprints,
you come back to eeschema to make a new netlist.


El 31/03/17 a las 02:15, ***@charter.net [kicad-users] escribió:
> Hello all,
>  . . . . With a great deal of Brian's time and effort I was able to fix
> my schematic. It now passes the ERC with no errors or warnings. Yeah! :)
> I have generated a Netlist for my project. I am using version 4.0.6 and
> there is no CvPcb program installed in this version. I went to the
> http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main but it is for an earlier version
> of KiCAD. Videos and reading on the screen just doesn't cut for me. I
> learn by holding a manual and reading it.
>  . . . . I am reading the manual that I have for both Pcbnew and CvPcb
> but they don't really apply to version 4.0.6. I am thinking about
> dropping back to an earlier version but I don't know how many problems
> this will create for me. I know that I need to generate footprints and I
> do have Pcbnew running with the PCB design program up and running. Is
> there a .PDF manual for 4.0.6?
> GOD Bless,
> rich!

Posted by: Pedro Martin <***@yahoo.es>

Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your question.
Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of Kicad.
Please visit http://www.kicadlib.org for details of how to contribute your symbols/modules to the kicad library.
For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the kicad-devel group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kicad-devel

Yahoo Groups Links
bobcousins42@googlemail.com [kicad-users]
2017-03-31 10:34:23 UTC
You and I might know the difference is not significant, but how is the new user supposed to know? For the new user, as soon as they see something different to what they see, doubt and uncertainty creep in, and then they are really not sure whether subsequent problems are their error or not.

I appreciate maintaining documentation is a time-consuming and thankless task, but if your goal is to help people, then you need to keep updating, or get the reputation of being "out of date".

On your first page you have :

The other part of the central project manager 
[old picture]

(Since this screenshot was done, a further button has been added, the one at the right for "PCB Calculator"
 congratulations and Thank You to the team which created that!
 and, from at least version 0-4-0, the button for CvPCB has been moved to eeSchema's toolbar. (A better place for it.))

That is confusing, for several reasons.

I suggest : use a screenshot of new version. If you need to add a note say "in older versions if was different because ..."

---In kicad-***@yahoogroups.com, <***@...> wrote :

> "I went to the http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1main http://kicadhowto.wikidot.com/se1mainbut it is for an earlier
> version of KiCAD."

... Many, MANY hours have been spent extensively revising that (and the many linked pages) for KiCad 4_0_4. Have all graphics been updated? No. But where a difference is significant, many of them have. As ever, if you stumble over something, send feedback, with the page's URL cited, and I will try to save the next reader whatever you stumbled over.
bobcousins42@googlemail.com [kicad-users]
2017-03-31 10:37:40 UTC
---In kicad-***@yahoogroups.com, <***@...> wrote :

> Is there a .PDF manual for 4.0.6?

Everything is here http://kicad-pcb.org/help/documentation/ http://kicad-pcb.org/help/documentation/

Bookmark that site!
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-04-01 06:17:36 UTC
. . . . I found these files, downloaded them, and I am printing them right now. I have started reading the KiCAD .pdf that describes in general terms what KiCAD is and what it can do. I will eventually read all 8 documents.
. . . . The gentleman that brought up the issue of a Newbie such as myself running into something that doesn't apply to what you are reading and then going Oops, now what, is valid. This happens a lot when you are outside your comfort and experience zone. As always any and all help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Just because I don't act on a suggestion doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it.
. . . . I did run into a problem when I was editing this Template. There is a Green Pad in the upper left corner and I can't delete it. I have turned all of the layers on and off and I still can't do this. What am I doing wrong? I have up loaded the .brd file.
GOD Bless,
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-03-21 09:44:57 UTC
Hello all,
. . . . I received a lot of replies to the Footprint problem but I have a bigger problem. When I run the ERC I receive close to a hundred error messages. Most of them are the Green variety, some of them are Red, I haven't seen any Yellow ones. The Green errors are of the type pin such and such connected to pin such and such but there is not any drive. Most of the error messages are pin such and such not connected to pin such and such even though it is. One of my Red messages says that output pin of such and such is connected to the output pin of such and such but there is no such connection. I can't figure this out. Of course these means that any Netlist that I generate won't mean anything. Please help me?
GOD Bless,
Andy Eskelson andyyahoo@g0poy.co.uk [kicad-users]
2017-03-21 13:17:17 UTC
If the error says not connected, then you can generally assume that the
message is correct despite what you see.

First, check pin numbering for silly errors, and that you are actually
making a connection. A mismatch in grids and so on can be very confusing.

Next, make sure that you have a junction dot on the schematic where
wires should join. ( this is a very common cause of the problems you are
seeing. Generally the start and end of a wire will connect, but if you
place other wires on the main one, connecting to other components, then
that will not auto connect, you need to place a junction there as well.

This tells the system that the wires must join, rather than just cross
over each other.

In the schematic elements, you can set the type of pin to
be a power out / in or an input / output.

This gives two possible errors.

In the case of a power pin, then you can only have ONE power out on a
net. Any more than this will cause errors. Personally I don't like this
function, and I simply set power outs to be passive. To keep ERC happy,
I just add a power flag to the power net. You usually add a power flag
to the ground net as well., this juts tells ERC that the net is
actually powered up.

Think of this in the case of a unit powered by an off board PSU say a
wall wart. You don't have an actual power supply on the board, so you
need to tell the system the system that the net has some volts going
into it.

In the case of input and outputs (rather than power in /out) it's as
obvious as it seems. an input needs to connect to an output. So check
the pin types on the components you are using.

As always, once you sort out the circuit elements and modules, copy them
into YOUR OWN libraries and always use them rather than the community /
stock libs and modules. That should prevent the problem in future designs.


On 21 Mar 2017 09:44:57 +0000
"***@charter.net [kicad-users]" <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com>

> Hello all,
> . . . . I received a lot of replies to the Footprint problem but I have a bigger problem. When I run the ERC I receive close to a hundred error messages. Most of them are the Green variety, some of them are Red, I haven't seen any Yellow ones. The Green errors are of the type pin such and such connected to pin such and such but there is not any drive. Most of the error messages are pin such and such not connected to pin such and such even though it is. One of my Red messages says that output pin of such and such is connected to the output pin of such and such but there is no such connection. I can't figure this out. Of course these means that any Netlist that I generate won't mean anything. Please help me?
> GOD Bless,
> rich!
'Brian Piccioni' brian@documenteddesigns.com [kicad-users]
2017-03-21 14:10:14 UTC
You can easily check no-connects by selecting the part and “dragging” (G) it. Connected wires will follow, no connects will not. Hit escape and it goes back to where it was.

Are you sure you’ve used wires and not busses or lines to connect?

Also, no connect pins have to have the little blue X no connect on them.

Long live the Flying Spaghetti Monster!

From: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:kicad-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: March 21, 2017 5:45 AM
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [kicad-users] ERC Problem. Was Footprint help!

Hello all,
. . . . I received a lot of replies to the Footprint problem but I have a bigger problem. When I run the ERC I receive close to a hundred error messages. Most of them are the Green variety, some of them are Red, I haven't seen any Yellow ones. The Green errors are of the type pin such and such connected to pin such and such but there is not any drive. Most of the error messages are pin such and such not connected to pin such and such even though it is. One of my Red messages says that output pin of such and such is connected to the output pin of such and such but there is no such connection. I can't figure this out. Of course these means that any Netlist that I generate won't mean anything. Please help me?
GOD Bless,
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-03-25 04:13:36 UTC
. . . . That is the problem. When I pick up the component the wires aren't dragged by moving the component. The is the Green Wire Symbol. Correct? I have tried redrawing the wires and adding junctions where the wires meet the pins on the components. Nothing works. Help?
GOD Bless,
'Brian Piccioni' brian@documenteddesigns.com [kicad-users]
2017-03-25 13:52:04 UTC

Yes it is the green wire symbol.

You sure you are “Dragging” with “G” and not “Moving” with “M”? M doesn’t drag the wires.

If you want to send me your schematic I could have a look at it ***@documanteddesigns.com

You can just send part of it or just make something with a few parts if you want.

Otherwise, here is an example

The wire to VR1 (pin 2) doesn’t touch

The wire on SDA1 (pin 4 goes too far

The wire on the other pins is “just right”


From: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:kicad-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: March 25, 2017 12:14 AM
To: kicad-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [kicad-users] ERC Problem. Was Footprint help!

. . . . That is the problem. When I pick up the component the wires aren't dragged by moving the component. The is the Green Wire Symbol. Correct? I have tried redrawing the wires and adding junctions where the wires meet the pins on the components. Nothing works. Help?
GOD Bless,
mechanic_2@charter.net [kicad-users]
2017-03-25 21:33:22 UTC
. . . . As you surmised I was using Move instead of Drag. The wires are connected. I tried sending you the .pro files with your email address and it was kicked back as undeliverable. Argh! We may have to do this over the phone. Here is my email address: ***@charter.net.
. . . . Hello everyone,
. . . . . . . . I want to apologize for taking so long to get back to everyone who is trying to help me. I had something else come up that had a higher priority. Sorry about that!
GOD Bless,
'TK Boyd' ng10066504jan@yahoo.co.uk [kicad-users]
2017-03-23 16:06:44 UTC
Thank you, Andy, Brian, for addressing the many things I "meant

I can still add, I think, one thing, Rich...

You mention nearly a hundred errors. Do not be downhearted!

You may well find that as you fix this or that, one "fix" clears
MULTIPLE errors.

Do you have any "own designed" schematic symbols/ footprints in the
schematic? If so, the pin type problems may be down to how those were
designed/ set up. If only "KiCad provided" bits, it will (almost
certainly, but don't give Mr Murphy a chance to "get" you) be
soemthing else.

Let us know how you get on? (^_^)

On 21 Mar 2017 at 9:44, ***@charter.net [kicad-users] wrote:

> Hello all,
> . . . . I received a lot of replies to the Footprint problem but I
have a bigger problem. When I run the ERC I receive close to a
hundred error messages. Most of them are the Green variety, some of
them are Red, I haven't seen any Yellow ones. The Green errors are of
the type pin such and such connected to pin such and such but there
is not any drive. Most of the error messages are pin such and such
not connected to pin such and such even though it is. One of my Red
messages says that output pin of such and such is connected to the
output pin of such and such but there is no such connection. I can't
figure this out. Of course these means that any Netlist that I
generate won't mean anything. Please help me?
Continue reading on narkive: