Hi Rich,
The logic with power flags is very simple.
They do NOTHING to the circuit, they are purely there for ERC usage.
You can have pins on a component tagged as POWER_IN or POWER_OUT as well
as a bevy of other options. In this case we are only talking about power
The ERC system then runs a check, one of which is :
"Are all the POWER_IN pins on the components connected to a "live" power
Now in a design you may NOT have any active power supply, the circuit
might be powered from a wall wart or even an external battery. So in
that case how do you tell ERC that a particular pine or connector
connected to a net has power?
That's what you use the power flag for.
Now the gotcha's
You can ONLY have ONE power flag on a net.
If you have more than one then you get warnings.
If there happens to be a device that has a pin configured as a POWER_OUT
then that performs the same function as a power flag. Adding a power
flag to that net will also generate an error because it's like having
two power flags.
Personally I don't use POWER_OUT pins on any component
because of this. I prefer to place power flags, then I can see what is
going on.
Your -16 V pin on P3 (pin 52) is set as a POWER_INPUT hence needs a power
flag on it
Likewise your +16 V line on pin 13 of SW3-4 seems to go nowhere and has
no power flag.
Ok on the dual supply point, that makes more sense now.
On 09 May 2017 11:41:55 +0000
"***@charter.net [kicad-users]" <kicad-***@yahoogroups.com>
> Mike, Andy,
> . . . .I just lost my reply that I was writing. :( I just finished reading the Wiki on using PWR_FLAGS. It was only some what helpful. I have had a lot of problems with PWR_FLAGS. When I add a PWR_FLAG to the +8V line one of the warnings goes away. If I add PWR_FLAGS to the the other lines and the GND line I receive a lot of Errors and Warnings. I have looked John's Schematics over but I haven't been able to figure out the Logic behind his use of PWR_FLAGS.
> . . . . This circuit is designed to run in a stand alone configuration or to be plugged into a S-100 system. The S-100 System only provides Power to run the Programmer. When SW3 is in Position One the Power comes from the on board Transformers and the Bridge Rectifiers. The S-100 System is completely isolated. In Position Two the Power comes from the S-100 System and the Transformers and Bridges Rectifiers are Isolated.
> . . . . I believe that I drew the Circuit correctly. I drew it on paper first and carefully traced the circuity to insure that it worked the way that I wanted it to. If I do make a mistake please be sure to point it out to me. You will not offend me. I am not one of these Narcissistic people who believes that he can do no wrong. I know of only one person on Earth that was able to walk on liquid water and I am pretty sure that he is not here. Please feel free to experiment with the design and let me know about any changes or suggestions.
> . . . . The attachment has the latest version and the ERC report is .erc.txt. I really Appreciate all of the help!
> GOD Bless,
> rich!