Luis Rossi [kicad-users]
2017-04-26 15:22:34 UTC
I got an LCD that has PTH pins. As I am working on a very tight board I
will just add coper layers on the bottom and there will be just a hole on
the top layer. At the default canvas the DRC works fin and the spacing on
the top layer is considered between the border of the hole and the track.
However, on the Cairo Canvas the DRC uses the botton layer pad to calculate
the clearance. Is there any setting I need to change, or that is a bug? Is
there any workaround to use the push and shove and doe not have this
will just add coper layers on the bottom and there will be just a hole on
the top layer. At the default canvas the DRC works fin and the spacing on
the top layer is considered between the border of the hole and the track.
However, on the Cairo Canvas the DRC uses the botton layer pad to calculate
the clearance. Is there any setting I need to change, or that is a bug? Is
there any workaround to use the push and shove and doe not have this
LuÃs Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo
LuÃs Filipe Rossi
Electrical Engineer
Escola Politécnica
Universidade de São Paulo