Phyllis McKeever [kicad-users]
2017-10-11 20:46:01 UTC
After making a symbol with 8 sections, that are all different, in a schematic library,the 'field value' keeps moving, by itself.That was happening with the size of the rectangles
but un-checking 'Common to all units in component' stopped that problem.I do not see anything like that for 'field value'.
Thanks for your help Phyllis McKeever 303 666 8724 McCircuit PCB Design 2403 High Lonesome Trail Lafayette CO 80026
but un-checking 'Common to all units in component' stopped that problem.I do not see anything like that for 'field value'.
Thanks for your help Phyllis McKeever 303 666 8724 McCircuit PCB Design 2403 High Lonesome Trail Lafayette CO 80026